divendres, d’agost 25

EBBP#5 - The last parcel is home!

Finally, the last EBBP#5 is home!

After 3 weeks abroad I found my parcel at home this morning. I was a bit worried about the parcel because I was going to be away for a long time but Jeanne talked to my secret Santa and told me that there was no reason to worry as there wasn't anything perishable in it.

My parcel arrives with Berlin's taste of summer:

and here you are the content:
- home made jam (peaches and almonds)
- pearl barley (I didn't know what it was neither its use, but Deborah also sent me a recipe to try "Barley water with lemon")
- red fruit compote
- strawberry balsamic vinegar (I'm already wishing to taste it :-))

Thanks a lot to Deborah for the parcel and to Jeanne for hosting the event!


Blogger Jeanne said...

Hi Gemma
Hurrah! The last parcel is accounted for and blogged! And what a lovely parcel it is - all that summery fruit. And I LOVE the idea of strawberry vinegar - great for a sweet vinaigrette! Enjoy your taste of the German summer and thanks for joining in with EBBP :-)

dissabte, 26 d’agost del 2006, a les 1:35:00 CEST

Blogger Orchidea said...

Nice... it is always nice to receive a present, and what a present you got. I hope I can partecipate next time.

dissabte, 26 d’agost del 2006, a les 16:59:00 CEST

Blogger ibancito said...

..."red fruit compote = rote Grütze??? ...by any chance? :)

dilluns, 28 d’agost del 2006, a les 13:01:00 CEST

Blogger gemma said...

Yes! You're right!

dilluns, 28 d’agost del 2006, a les 16:42:00 CEST

Blogger ibancito said...

Jo....anda que no me gusta a mi el Rote Grütze... Eso sí, del norte de Alemania...en el sur es mas como mera gelatina.
El padre de una amiga alemana me explicó en su día que el mundo se divide en dos tipos de personas. Los que toman el Rote Grütze con nata; y los que lo toman con salsa de vainilla :)
Yo creo que pertenezco a los segundos, aunque no lo tengo claro aun.
No hay nada como en Rote Grütze hecho en casa, pero recuerdo que en el norte de Alemania era muy fácil de enontrar una marca Danesa llamada algo como Christian's Grød o algo asi... :)

Bienvenida de vuelta te tus viajes!!!!!!! que envidia....ganas tengo yo de ir a Arizona

dijous, 31 d’agost del 2006, a les 15:01:00 CEST


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